Triple Magnesium


Constantly tense, and even your sleep has worsened? Triple Magnesium will help you calm down.

It contains three organic forms of magnesium, vitamin B6, and the adaptogen L-theanine. Gentle relaxation without the effect of drowsiness, improved sleep, mood, and overall strengthening of the nervous system. Thanks to the advanced formula with maximum absorption, you will feel the effect quickly.

In addition, stress is harmful to beauty, so the anti-stress effect of Triple Magnesium prevents inflammation and hair loss and helps to maintain youthful skin.

All three organic forms of magnesium reinforce each other’s action (1) to support the nervous system, but also have additional beneficial effects:
– Bisglycinate — effectively helps reduce anxiety and tension.
– Taurate — takes care of the heart and blood vessels and helps control blood sugar levels.
– Citrate — effectively and quickly increases the level of magnesium in the body, which helps to relieve stress.

Enhance the benefits of magnesium:
– Vitamin B6 — transports magnesium into the cell (2) and is also responsible for neurotransmitters that regulate mood and pleasure.
– L-theanine — a unique adaptogen amino acid that promotes gentle relaxation, helps you adapt to stressful conditions, and supports brain function and high concentration levels (3).

1 serving contains:
(2 capsules)
– Magnesium bisglycinate, Magnesium taurate, Magnesium citrate – 240 mg
– Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate) – 12 mg
– L-theanine (green tea leaf extract) – 80 mg

Organic rice flour, prebiotic vegan capsule (glazing agent – hypromellose; coloring agent – copper chlorophyllin complex).

Dosage: The optimal dosage for calming is two capsules per day. It is recommended to use in the evening after a meal with a glass of water.

Duration of use: We recommend taking the supplement for 1-2 months for a tangible effect. If necessary, repeat the course after a 1-2 month break.
Also take it as needed – if you feel stressed and need to calm down right now.

Contraindications for use:
– Individual intolerance to the components
– Children under 18 years of age
– Severe hypotension
– Severe renal dysfunction

Please agree on consultation with your doctor:
– If you have hepatic or renal impairment
– You are pregnant or breastfeeding
– In case of exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases

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Triple Magnesium
1 package -20%

Original price was: 24 €.Current price is: 19 €.

Triple Magnesium
2 packages -25%

Original price was: 48 €.Current price is: 36 €.

Triple Magnesium
3 packages -30%

Original price was: 72 €.Current price is: 50 €.

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A powerful formula for calming: 3 organic forms of magnesium + B6 + L-theanine

  • Magnesium in 3 organic forms for maximum effect
  • B6 to transport magnesium into the cell
  • L-theanine for calming without drowsiness and better concentration
  • Synergy of components
  • Fast action
  • Prebiotic capsule (cellulose)
  • Vegan friendly

The survey among Ukrainians showed that 4:

88% experience high levels of stress
50% feel tired
42% feel tension

Tripple Magnesium - your anti-stress assistant

Our supplement contains:


  • Supports the functioning of the nervous system
  • Helps reduce fatigue and nervous tension
  • Improves psycho-emotional state

Vitamin B6

  • Enhances the effect of magnesium
  • Helps to reduce fatigue
  • Improves mood


  • Calms without drowsiness
  • Improves concentration
  • Supports the quality of sleep
  • Improves the cardiovascular system


Under stress, the body actively uses magnesium, and we lose it. That is why it is so vital to restore its level in time.

How is Triple Magnesium? taken?

Two capsules

In the evening, after meals

For 1-2 months

Less stress, more radiance!

Stress negatively affects your appearance. Taking Triple Magnesium will help reduce its effect and improve the condition of your skin and hair.

Feedback from our clients

Leave your feedback

Dziękuję producentowi za tak wspaniały magnez! Biorę go od 2 miesięcy, jestem dużo spokojniejsza i lepiej śpię.


Dobry magnez. Pomaga się uspokoić i lepiej zasnąć.


Jestem bardzo zadowolona z tego magnezu! W końcu mogę spać spokojnie przez całą noc i jestem mniej nerwowa w ciągu dnia


Magnez pomaga radzić sobie ze stresem.
Co więcej, moje włosy przestały tak bardzo wypadać.


Niezły magnez. Pomaga szybciej zasnąć, ale nadal nie eliminuje całkowicie bezsenności. Ogólnie jestem zadowolony.


Niezły kompleks, ale cena mogłaby być niższa. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, pomaga się zrelaksować i poprawić sen.


Bardzo dobry produkt! Pomaga uspokoić nerwy i pozbyć się niepokoju. Ponadto moje włosy zaczęły mniej wypadać.


Magnez jest po prostu świetny! W końcu mogę dobrze wypocząć i się wyspać. A moja skóra zaczęła wyglądać lepiej.


To dobry produkt, ale efekt nie jest od razu zauważalny. Trzeba pić co najmniej miesiąc, żeby poczuć korzyści.


Ten magnez to po prostu zbawienie dla moich nerwów! Biorę go już od sześciu miesięcy i stałam się o wiele spokojniejsza.


Nie wyobrażam sobie życia bez tego magnezu! Naprawdę działa i pomaga radzić sobie ze stresem. Polecam każdemu!


Zamówiłam już trzeci słoiczek tego cudownego magnezu. Jestem bardzo zadowolona z rezultatu – lepiej śpię i jestem mniej nerwowa.


Jestem zachwycona! Magnez nie tylko uspokaja nerwy, ale także wzmacnia włosy i poprawia cerę. Zamówię więcej.


Dziękuję za ten wspaniały magnez! Brałam go w czasie ciąży, bardzo pomógł na niepokój i bezsenność.


To jest dobry produkt. Pomaga zrelaksować się wieczorem po męczącym dniu. Jedynym minusem jest to, że tabletki są dość duże, niewygodnie mi się je połyka


Niezły magnez, ale efekt nie jest tak wyraźny, jak się spodziewałem.


Podziękowania dla producenta za produkt wysokiej jakości! Magnez pomaga nie tylko na nerwy, ale także sprawia, że skóra jest bardziej zadbana.


Wspaniały kompleks magnezowy! Pomógł mi przejść przez trudny okres w moim życiu, kiedy miałam dużo stresu. Teraz czuję się znacznie lepiej.


Wspaniały magnez! W końcu znalazłam produkt, który pomógł mi poradzić sobie z ciągłym stresem w pracy. Biorę go już od miesiąca i czuję się znacznie lepiej.


Magnez jest ok, ale bez rewelacji. Pomógł mi trochę z nerwowością, ale nie zauważyłam większej poprawy w samopoczuciu.

What are the options for paying for orders in Poland?

You can pay for your order online – by card, or via PayU, Blik.

How are orders delivered in Poland?

We will deliver your order in any convenient way using the following transportation companies:
– InPost
– FedEx
– Poczta Polska.

Where do you send the goods from?

We ship all orders with vitamins and supplements from our warehouse in Poland.

Do you ship orders to other countries?

Delivery to other countries will be available within 3 months.

We really want you to be able to order our products from anywhere in the world and are actively working to make this possible as soon as possible.

How can I cancel my order?
To cancel your order, just call us at: +48 225 987 987
Or write to the mail
[email protected] and our care managers will help you with any questions.
Is it possible to return the purchased goods?
You can return the goods up to 14 days after purchase, as long as they have undamaged packaging and the original protective film.
Remember that if you return the product, the shipping cost is paid by the buyer. To make a return, call us at +48 225 987 987.
Are your products certified?
Yes, all of our products have raw material certificates from the supplier and all necessary compliance certificates and test reports. You can find out more about this
What is the shelf life of the products?

The average shelf life of our products is from 12 months. On each package you will find the exact date of production and the expiration date.

Can you help me with product selection?

Yes, our support managers are always ready to answer all your questions. To get a free consultation, call us at +48 225 987 987 or write a message on Instagram.

What is Triple Magnesium?

Triple Magnesium is a powerful support for your nervous system. It contains three forms of magnesium, vitamin B6, and the amino acid adaptogen L-theanine. All components positively affect your well-being: they help to calm down, reduce stress, and improve sleep and mood. Moreover, by decreasing the stress level, they also support the skin and hair condition.

What is the daily intake?

Take two capsules in the evening after a meal.

How long should I take it?

We recommend taking a 1-2 month course. If necessary, repeat the course after a 1-2 month break.

What are the contraindications for taking?

Contraindications for use:
– Individual intolerance to the components
– Children under 18 years of age
– Severe hypotension
– Severe renal dysfunction

Please agree on consultation with your doctor:

– If you have hepatic or renal impairment
– You are pregnant or breastfeeding
– In case of exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases

Triple Magnesium - 1 package
Add to cart 19 €